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If you’ve never purchased the virtual version of the conference, first create an account using the email address associated with your ACEP membership. Once you’ve signed in, you'll automatically see a product list with member pricing. If you don’t see the price list, refresh your browser and it should appear.

NON-MEMBERS: If you've purchased the virtual conference before you should already have an account. Please sign in. If you’ve never purchased the virtual version of the conference, create an account to proceed with your purchase. Once you’ve signed in, you should see a product list with prices. If you don’t see the price list, refresh your browser and it should appear.

Single Session

Science of Compassion: Interventions for Energy Practices (No CE)

2019 International Energy Psychology Conference
Audio and Video


Lori Chortkoff Hops, PhD

Learn about the science of compassion's outcome on physical and mental health. Discover six compassion interventions that can be combined with energy practices. Review measures of compassion available in English and Spanish. Discuss ethical, moral, and cultural aspects of compassion. Practice compassion and other meditations.

Describe 2 ways compassion is theorized to serve human growth.
Name 2 findings from peer reviewed research studies on compassion's impact on mental health.
List 3 ethical guidelines when using compassion interventions with energy practices.

CE Hours


Lori Chortkoff Hops, PhD's Profile

Lori Chortkoff Hops, PhD

Lori Chortkoff Hops, PhD, DCEP, is a licensed psychologist, certified Logosynthesis practitioner and teacher, Reiki master, and former president of ACEP. She teaches online courses on intuition, grounding and centering. Lori features energy practices in her podcast "Healing Tips from the Heart: Intuition with Helpers, Healers, and Guides."