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If you've purchased the virtual conference before you should already have an account. Please sign in. If your existing CE21 account uses a different email than your ACEP membership, create a new CE 21 account with your ACEP email to get member pricing. After you have purchased the 20223 live stream you can contact CE21 customer service and have both accounts merged under your ACEP email address.
If you’ve never purchased the virtual version of the conference, first create an account using the email address associated with your ACEP membership. Once you’ve signed in, you'll automatically see a product list with member pricing. If you don’t see the price list, refresh your browser and it should appear.
NON-MEMBERS: If you've purchased the virtual conference before you should already have an account. Please sign in. If you’ve never purchased the virtual version of the conference, create an account to proceed with your purchase. Once you’ve signed in, you should see a product list with prices. If you don’t see the price list, refresh your browser and it should appear.
Credit Available - See CE Hours tab below.
Total Credits: 1 APA, 1 ASWB, 1 NAADAC, 1 CA Providers, 1 FL Providers, 1 NY Providers
This presentation will outline 10 years of clinical research trials on EFT for food cravings and weight loss in overweight/obese adults, including the first fMRI trial and comparison to gold standard approaches. Discover what works, what doesn’t and what is essential.
ACEP is approved by the American Psychological Association (APA) to sponsor Continuing Education for Psychologists. ACEP maintains responsibility for this program and its content. Sessions approved for APA credit are clearly identified.
This course fulfills 1 Hour(s)
ACEP, Provider #1048, is approved to offer social work continuing education by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) Approved Continuing Education (ACE) program. Organizations, not individual courses, are approved as ACE providers. State and provincial regulatory boards have the final authority to determine whether an individual course may be accepted for continuing education credit. ACEP maintains responsibility for this course. ACE provider approval period: . Social workers completing this course receive up to 1 Clinical continuing education credits.
This course has been approved by the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology, as a NAADAC Approved Education Provider, for educational credits. NAADAC Provider #100504. The Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology is responsible for all aspects of the programming.
ACEP is an approved CE provider by the APA, which is recognized by the California Board of Psychology to offer CEs for CA-based psychologists, and by the ASWB and NBCC, which are recognized by California Board of Behavioral Sciences to offer CEs for CA-based MFTs, LPCCs, LEPs and/or LCSWs. ACEP is an approved CE provider by the California Board of Registered Nursing (provider #14626).
Florida: ACEP is an approved CE provider FL Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage & Family Therapy & Mental Health Counseling, Certified Master Social Workers and FL Board of Nursing (CE Provider #50-10765). ACEP is an approved provider for THE ART & SCIENCE OF TRANSFORMATIONAL CHANGE (#FL CE Broker Tracking # 20-902030).
Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP) is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Social Work as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed social workers, #SW-0164, and the State Board for Mental Health Practitioners as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed mental health counselors, #MHC-0138, and marriage and family therapists, #MFT-0069.
Peta Stapleton, PhD, is a psychologist and associate professor at Bond University. She specializes in eating disorders, women’s health and adolescent issues, and is a leading EFT researcher. Her most recent book is The Science Behind Tapping. Peta has been named Psychologist of the Year for the whole of Australia by Allied Health Awards.