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ACEP MEMBERS: To get ACEP member pricing you need to sign in to CE21 with the email you use for your ACEP membership.

If you've purchased the virtual conference before you should already have an account. Please sign in. If your existing CE21 account uses a different email than your ACEP membership, create a new CE 21 account with your ACEP email to get member pricing. After you have purchased the 20223 live stream you can contact CE21 customer service and have both accounts merged under your ACEP email address.

If you’ve never purchased the virtual version of the conference, first create an account using the email address associated with your ACEP membership. Once you’ve signed in, you'll automatically see a product list with member pricing. If you don’t see the price list, refresh your browser and it should appear.

NON-MEMBERS: If you've purchased the virtual conference before you should already have an account. Please sign in. If you’ve never purchased the virtual version of the conference, create an account to proceed with your purchase. Once you’ve signed in, you should see a product list with prices. If you don’t see the price list, refresh your browser and it should appear.

Single Session

Awaken to Your Wholeness Through Transformation of Energy (No CE)

2019 International Energy Psychology Conference
Audio and Video


We will examine the research and clinical underpinnings of a science of health and vitality, focusing on people with medical evidence for unexpected recovery from medical illnesses that are traditionally considered incurable. The role of psychology as it relates to a science of health and vitality will be discussed, as well as issues related to the democratization of medicine and psychology. At the end, we will explore the strengths and limitations of a biopsychosocial methodology using biomedical markers.



CE Hours


Master Mingtong Gu's Profile

Master Mingtong Gu

Master Mingtong Gu, Chi Center founder, is a qigong master who offers the ancient teachings of Wisdom Healing Qigong. He was honored as Qigong Master of the Year by the 13th World Congress for Qigong & TCM. Master Gu is a speaker, healer, and teacher for programs around the world. He is author of books and online programs.