A Glimpse into the Future of Frequency Medicine

A new, expanded medical model is beginning to emerge, heralded by photobiomodulation —frequency medicine in the domain of light—as well as the clinical term music medicine. This new approach is distinct from music therapy, in that the music is given directly to patients without a therapist, purely for its ability to benefit the patient’s physiology.

At the cellular level, information is exchanged through electromagnetic signals, biochemical signals and sonic frequencies. At the atomic level, biological complexities and energy-information flow can be viewed in terms of vibrational energy. 

Since the body is comprised of vibrational energy, a wide variety of vibrational and energetic modalities are available to support the patient’s physiology. It is in this context that frequency medicine has its roots: the energetic interconnectedness of the mind-body system. We will explore these ideas and get a glimpse into the future of frequency medicine, in which John believes light and sound will reign supreme.