The Art & Science of Resilience (No CE)

Joan Borysenko, PhD

The planet is experiencing an unprecedented time of radical and unpredictable change. Resilience is a both a mindset and a skillset that all humans beings require in order to cope with change, manage adversity and tolerate uncertainty. While adverse childhood experiences and other traumas damage the ability to be resilient in both behavior and physiology, it is possible to develop a constellation of 7 mind habits and attitudes that change the brain, protect the telomeres necessary for longevity, and reduce inflammation while engendering stress hardiness and emotional stability. You will learn the 7 major skills of resilience, based in contemplative practices, which can then be cultivated by your clients.

List 7 characteristics of resilience that are easily cultivated.
Practice a simple mindfulness skill that reduces stress and invites strength.
Explain the concept of liminal time - the unknown period between “no longer and not yet.”